Welcome to AMA Kenda Extreme Enduro Championship
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AMA Kenda Extreme Enduro Championship
California United States
Last Dog Standing Event – May 15th-16th
Race Format
• This race event will be made up
of LD1, LD2 and LD3. You must qualify to move into the next rounds accordingly.
The LDS endurance event is for an individual single rider on one bike (same
• Tech inspection – All
racers racing LD1 must go through tech inspection.
• LD2 start position will be
determined by LD1 time. LD3 start position will be determined by LD2 time.
• Start will be TBD during riders meeting.
• LDS-1 Race – LDS-1 is your timed qualifier; your Overall
time will stage you for LD2. This will be approximately a 10–15-minute test
with mostly mild and some extreme terrain. In addition, there may be some
man-made obstacles. Staging for this event will be by class. (Pro, A, Pro
Woman, 45+, B, C, woman)
• LDS-2 Race – You must finish
LD1 to qualify for LDS2- LDS-2 is a ONE lap race on about 8+ mile loop
consisting of extreme terrain including steep down/up hills, endurocross,
severe single track, rock sections, and various other technical sections. The
length will be 40-50 min long for the leaders. If you cannot make a section,
you are finished and must return to pits. You will be scored accordingly based
on checks you passed. You CANNOT GO AROUND THE OBSTACLE! If caught, you will be
• LDS-3 Race - You must finish
within 60 min from the overall leader on adjusted time to qualify for LDS-3.
LDS-3 is a multi-lap race on about 8+ mile loop consisting of even more
extreme terrain including steep down/up hills, endurocross, severe single
track, rock sections, and various other technical sections. There will be new
sections added so watch for changes! The length will be 1-1/2 to 2 hours long
for the leaders. If you cannot make a section, you are finished and must return
to pits. Once the leader takes checker flag, we will resort to a Grand Rix
finish. You will be scored accordingly based on checks you passed. You CANNOT
GO AROUND THE OBSTACLE! If caught, you will be DQ’d
• Spotters, Course Workers and
Flaggers are there for your safety and can only assist in a safety situation.
They cannot provide rider assistance in forward advantage of an obstacle(s) or
course section. Spotters will notify scoring of any course cutting.
• AMA Card REQUIRED. D37 Points
requires a D-37 Membership.
• SEE http://www.district37ama.org/offroad/tools/Policy_Minors_EnteringD37_Events.pdf
• LDS entrants must be minimum 12
years old.
• Scoring - District 37 points for D37 Competition Card
holders are issued For finishing the LD2 and LD3 is 100% points. Riders
who finish both LD2 and LD3 will be scored on a 2 moto format. LDS racers will
be scored in descending order. Pros will be scored off of 2 moto format
of LD2/LD3.
Other Important Info
• For all LD races, we will have a pit area set up in middle of
the loop. 5 MPH in Pits – Don’t get DQ’d for Speeding! If you have broken
parts, need fuel, etc., this is the designated area.
• If you break down, move to the
side of the course out of the way. We will have sweep circulating after each
event to assist you. If you need assistance, give your rider number to a
passing rider. If you have given your number as needing assistance but are
subsequently able to make it back to the pits on your own, please check in with
the race referee and Rescue 3, signup before you go home
• Water will be available at
certain Check Points for hydration.
• Riders are responsible for the actions of their support crews.
Race Information
• Sign-up open Friday
5:00pm-9:00pm, Saturday 6:00am – 3:00pm
• Riders meeting at Signup Sunday
• LDS-2 start 8:00am
• LDS-3 start 11:30am
• All racers will be assigned LDS race numbers/ staging stickers
that must be placed on the bike. Numbers must be visible on front, left and right-side
number plates. Prairie Dogs MC will supply race numbers.
The Course
• The course will be clearly
marked with stakes and arrows. Stay on the marked course or you will be DQ’d;
there will be spotters! For LDS-2 races, they are only One lap and will consist
of approximate 5 Check Points. If you cannot successfully pass through the
obstacle, you will need to return to pits. You will be scored accordingly per
Check Points.
• Some of the course sections may
require several attempts to pass! This is ok! Riders help out other Riders is
also ok in navigating forward through obstacles.
• The course will change from LDS-1
- LDS-3. Please pay attention to markers.
• The course will be marked with
arrows and ribbon (day glow pink ribbon).
• A single down arrow means danger
ahead; pay attention, slow your pace.
• A double down arrow indicates a
greater danger, meaning more precautions should be taken.
• A triple down arrow indicates
extreme danger.
• Turn arrows will be placed along
the course to indicate a turn ahead.
• Wrong way signs “W” are to
indicate the wrong trail.
• If by chance you lose the course
markings, stop and retrace your trail and look for markings
• Check ahead signs will be placed
prior to the checks
• These checks are NOT flying
checks; you must come to a complete STOP to get your number read and
wrist band checked or risk a disqualification. Be courteous to the course
workers and obey their directions. Do not leave the check until check worker
releases you. ADDED NOTE: After coming to a complete stop and being released
by the check worker, proceed to the end of chute at 5 MPH. DO NOT resume race
speeds until you are out of the chute. DO NOT dust out the check workers. They
know who you are and you will see them again! Some Checks may consist of an
intersection where the course will cross over at Check – Pay attention and
follow instructions to remain having FUN!
• Absolutely no passing in the
check or finish chutes!
• REMINDER – course workers are there for SAFETY! They cannot
assist you with forward progress through obstacles. However, other riders can
provide you assistance with forward progress. Remember, it may take you several
attempts to make it through a section - be courteous patient with other riders
during their struggles!
The Finish
• There is no home check at finish – it will be a traditional
checkered flag finish line.
Have a fun safe ride and thank you for attending the 4th annual
Pro Pay Back-Pro purse payout will pay out to the top 5
finishers. Any rider who completes both laps in LDS 3 will be eligible for 100%
of the winnings designated to their finishing position. If a rider who has
earned a top 5 finish (based on 2 moto scoring format) only completes 1 lap of
LDS 3, they will only be eligible for 50% of the winnings designated to their
finishing position. The remaining 50% of their payout will forfeited and put
back into the purse and proportionately paid out to the remaining riders who
have completed the full 2 laps of LDS 3.